Friday 23 October 2009

Agel Enterprises

If I could show you a part time business opportunity that would allow you to escape the rat race within three years would you be interested?

Note, if you need any more background information on network marketing you need to read my complete blog from the beginning before you read any further and if you are then still interested please come back to this post, because it might be the five minutes that changed your life.

Network Marketing
There is a lot of folklore on network marketing and there are a lot of people who have dabbled with it in the past who think they understand the business, (but they failed). Quite frankly this is unimportant to me because we are going to do it professionally and properly.

I am looking for the following people to join our team which we have called teamEAGLE:

We are looking for dynamic, passionate, focussed, self motivated, outgoing people who are prepared to get out of their comfort zones to build a massive business with us. If you are none of these then I do not recommend network marketing to you. If you are some of these or all of these that is great because we can then give you the skill sets to go to the top in this industry.

You know whether you fit these criteria. If you do then what are you waiting for? You need to be planning to get out of the rat race, so please read on.

I have been working successfully in the network marketing industry for four years and have a good knowledge of how the industry works and what you need to do to be successful in it. I have been looking for an additional network marketing “string to my bow” for the last 12 months. Why two you ask? Because I absolutely love this industry and I want to maximise my income over the next three years and then retire, this is fact, (only network marketing allows you to do this as there is no ceiling to what you can earn).

I have found the company I have been looking for. I have joined Agel Enterprises two months ago and I have done the due diligence, it is brilliant, (You need to check it out for yourselves, don’t just take my word for it). Agel have first to market, category-creating products, they have been operating for four years and has only been in the UK for three years. The compensation plan is the best I have ever seen, the potential is unbelievable. It is a three-year plan to get out of the rat race. I will tell you now my personal target for this business is £10,000 per month within three years. I am also obliged to tell you that you cannot guarantee incomes in this industry because your income will be based on the effort you put in.

I have created a mastermind team to drive this business forward and have facilitated for the infrastructure that will propel out team to the top. The best bit is, that other than the fantastic products, the best compensation plan of any network marketing company, Agel is a global company. Agel launched in 12 countries, it is now in 55 countries after only four years. And guess what, this is therefore a 24 hour business, when you sleep there will be someone in another part of the world who has just got up and their plan for the day is to sign up a new exec in your downline, how good is that?

For more information go to the team website at
then ring me on 0800 458 3940

We are looking for people who are looking for this type of opportunity and get it straight away.

Peter Ragg
Network Marketing Professional

“We have a better way”

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